3 v %s.%s\nProtected by U.S. Patent 5,636,292. Patents pending.\n⌐Copyright 1996-7, Digimarc Corporation.\nAll rights reserved.
4 PictureMarc Demo
5 Your watermark was found in this image but was not readable. \nThe image will revert back to the original. Try increasing the durability setting in Embed Watermark.
6 Embed Watermark: Verify Error
7 Your watermark was not found in this image. The image will \nrevert back to the original. Try increasing the durability\nsetting in Embed Watermark.
8 Embed Watermark: Verify Error
9 PictureMarc Demo
10 Royalty Free
11 Restricted
12 This image contains adult content.
13 This is your Creator ID.
14 Transaction ID:
15 Image ID:
16 Do Not Copy
17 Your Creator ID has been successfully embeded in the image. \nTo retrieve your creator information go to the filter menu and use \nthe "Read Watermark" filter to connect to MarcCenter.
16997 This plug-in requires Adobe Photoshop 2.5 or later functionality
16998 This plug-in is incompatible with this version of the host program
16999 This plug-in requires Adobe Photoshop 2.5.2 or later functionality
17000 You entered an incorrect Creator ID and/or PIN. \nPlease check your Creator ID & PIN and re-enter them.
17001 Incorrect Creator ID/PIN
17002 &Change...
17003 You entered a Creator ID that is out of range. Please check your Creator ID & PIN and re-enter them.
17004 Change
17005 You must specify an Image ID or Transaction ID
17006 ID Required
17007 Personalize
17008 Change
17015 An integer between %d and %d is expected
17016 Out Of Range
17017 Embed Watermark: Warning
17018 You are about to watermark an image with multiple layers. It is strongly \nrecommended that you "flatten" the image before watemarking it.\nDo you want to continue ?
17019 Extended Embed Error
17020 The Distributor ID and Creator ID have not been entered. \nOne or both of these values need to be entered to \nwatermark your image.
17021 You entered an incorrect Distributor ID and/or PIN.\nPlease check your Distributor ID & PIN and re-enter them.
17022 Incorrect Distributor ID/PIN
17024 Monitor
17025 Print
17026 Copyright Year:
17027 One or both of the copyright years are out of range.\nThe acceptible range is from %d to the current year.\nTo enter two copyright years place a ',' between them.
17028 Copyright Year Format Error
17029 Copyright Year(s):
17030 <none>
17031 Image Too Small
17032 The minimum image size that will reliably retain\na watermark when printed is 2.5"x2.5".\nDo you want to continue?
17033 DPI Inconsistency
17034 For print output, it is strongly recommended \nthat you change the image DPI to 300 or \nlarger prior to embedding the watermark.
17035 For monitor output, it is strongly recommended \nthat you change the image DPI to less than 200 \nprior to embedding the watermark.
17036 Integer input out of range.
17037 Copyright Information
17038 %s Creator ID
17039 %s Distributor ID
17040 Copyright years must be different and \nentered in ascending order (1996,1997).